Arctic Roe of Scandinavia AB (“AROS”) is a Swedish pioneer regarding production of Black Caviar (sturgeon roe), probably the most exclusive food item there is.
In accordance with the strict Swedish environmental rules, AROS has to keep its fish inside an industrial building on the 3rd floor in a re-circulating aqua system (RAS). AROS farms Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser Baerii).
Further, in line with sustainability trends and Swedish traditions, AROS harvests its roe primarily via the live-method. The sturgeon females live for decades in AROS’s plant and give multiple harvests. In such way, the environmental footprint from excessive transports is minimized and no fish meat gets sold.
AROS complies with far-going demands also in terms of animal health and food safety.
Therefore, the business idea is put simply: “To produce the world’s most exclusive food item in accordance with the strictest regulations in the world.”

Torbjorn Ranta,
Managing Director
Telephone: +46 708 855504
Lagastigsgatan 6
SE-287 32 Strömsnäsbruk